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2012-08-30 12:05:43  来源: 红歌会网   作者:指天椒
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为蒋高明博士 生态农场题记:







A Brief Introduction to Hongyi Organic Farm

        弘毅生态农场由中国科学院植物研究所首席研究员、博士生导师、山东省人民政府泰山学者、联合国大学SUMAMAD计划国际咨询专家、国际著名环保作家蒋高明教授设计,在山东省人民政府泰山学者专项经费等支持下建立的研究型试验农场,于2006年7月18日在山东省平邑县蒋家庄成立。其核心思路是充分利用生态学原理,而非单一技术提升农业生态系统生产力,创建“低投入、零污染、高产出”农业,实现农业可持续发展。试验农场摒弃化肥、农药、除草剂、农膜、添加剂、转基因6项不可持续技术,增加生物多样性,从秸秆、“害”虫、“杂”草综合开发利用入手,种养结合,实现元素循环与能量流动,生产纯正有机食品,推动城市社区支持农业(Community Supported Agriculture, CSA);增加农民收入,带动农民就业;最终实现耕地固碳。

        On 18 July, 2006, Hongyi Organic Farm, a scientifically special research base was founded in Jiangjiazhuang Village of Pingyi County, Shandong Province,by the famous ecologist, Professor Dr Jiang Gaoming. Professor Jiang now is the principal investigator of Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Science; and the Shandong Taishan Scholar supported by Shandong Province Government. Professor Jiang also acts as the columnists for numerous medias, such as the Beijing News, Science News, China Business News, Chinadialogue. It was financially supported by Shandong People’s Government. The main approach of the farm is through the full utilization of ecological principles rather than the merely single technology to advance the modern agriculture. Hongyi Organic Farm has abandoned 6 unsustainable technologies, including chemical fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, plastic film, additive and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) technology and fully taken advantage of ecological principles such as integrative utilization technology of straw, pest and weed to result in element cycling and energy flow, carbon sequestration in arable field. By doing so, we produce totally organic foods in the eco-farm, so as to promote Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and help farmers to create new income activities.


        Since the experiment carried out for 5 years, Hongyi Organic Farm has stimulated the development of 160 straw feeding cattle, of 30000 chickens raised under forest, of 12 mu organically cultivated cereals, and of 130 biogas plants. Hongyi Organic Farm has encourage farmers, entrepreneurs and soldiers to engage in ecological agriculture in many provinces of China, such as Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Gansu, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Guangdong and Beijing, leading to accumulative promotion of 130000 mu organic farming (grass) industry in China.

        弘毅生态农场通过过硬的有机食品得到市场认可,最终证明生态学不是软道理。有机食品产业如果做真、做大、做强,既能满足消费者对安全食品的基本需求,又带领农民保护生态环境,还能实现耕地固碳、减少温室气体排放的远期目标。目前,弘毅生态农场已被山东省生态文明研究中心列为研究实践基地; 农场产品通过国家认证; 通过专业销售网络配送到全国各地,得到包括美国大使馆等中外消费者好评。在现代农业模式下,山东农民种植三季(小麦或大蒜、西瓜、玉米),纯收入不足1000元/亩,而弘毅生态农场的有机农田亩净收入5000元/亩。经过4年有机肥还田,在坚持“六不用”(不用化肥、农药、农膜、除草剂、添加剂、转基因)前提下,该农场已成功将低产田(600公斤/亩,玉米小麦周年产量)改造成吨粮田(1028公斤/亩),充分显示了生态循环农业的强大威力。

       Hongyi Organic Farm uses its own evidence to prove that ecology is not the “soft law”, otherwise it could lead to organic food industry, provide the farmers with new income-generation activities, cut down carbon dioxide emission, lessen environmental pollution, and finally meet the basic safe food demands from consumers in cities, especially Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jinan cities through the mechanism of CSA. Some famous institutions like The US Embassy in China once bought our products. Today, Hongyi Organic Farm has officially designated as the research and practice base by Shandong Eco-civilization Research Center. Following the modern agriculture model, Shandong farmers cultivated 3 crops every year but only received income of 1000 yuan/mu. However, our organic farm could get net income of 5000 yuan/mu. Under the premise of “six frees” (free chemical fertilizers, free pesticide, free herbicide, free plastic film, free chemical additives and free GMOs) and 4 years’ organic fertilizer input, we succeed to improve the yield of low-production field (600 kg mu-1 y-1) to a high and stable grain production field (1028 kg mu-1 y-1).  

        目前,弘毅生态农场年养牛103头(其中基础母畜11头),养鸡2000只、养鹅1200只,种植有机粮食16亩、有机蔬菜5亩。弘毅生态农场总部面积104亩,含牛舍2.32亩,大型遮雨隔离式青储池0.67亩,蝗虫养殖网室0.13亩,有机果园5亩;本地树群落8亩(林下养鸡、鹅、蚯蚓), 人工湿地4.8亩;另有生态绿地5亩,定位研究站及活动面积2.09亩; 诱虫灯控制面积150亩;带动全年就业农民10人。在农场所在村庄,还辟有10亩有机种植园。

        Hongyi Organic Farm covers an area of 104 mu, with cowshed 2.32 mu, green storage pool 0.67 mu, corn and wheat field 16 mu, native species forest 8 mu (freely breeding chicken, geese, earth worms), peanut planting area 2 mu; 5 mu vegetables garden, 5 mu organic orchard garden and 5 mu for green belts; 2.09 mu for living and activities. The farm breeds 103 cattle, 2000 chicken and 1200 geese and also breeds 2 mu earth worms. It also has light traps controlling lands over an area of 150 mu. The farm now can offer 10 fulltime jobs for the local farmers. In the village where the farm locates, it still has 10 mu organic crop plantation, 4.8 mu artificially constructed wetland.

        弘毅生态农场建立以来,已吸引含1名德国博士生、2名法国硕士生、1名美国本科生、1名韩国博士生在内的30名中外研究人员在此开展科学研究,已发表学术论文22篇(SCI论文12篇,日文1篇, IF>4论文5篇)。国内研究人员来自中国科学院、中国农业科学院、清华大学、天津大学、山东大学、苏州大学、北京师范大学、北京科技大学、山东农业大学、河北农业大学等。农业部、科技部、环保部、山东省科技厅、农业厅、国务院参事室等多次组织专家现场考察指导。人民日报、新华社、中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、光明日报、新京报、中国青年报、科技日报、中国科学报、中国环境报、第一财经日报、南华早报、农民日报、北京青年报、大众日报、临沂日报、香港大公报,英国卫报、泰晤士报、中外对话、美国洛杉矶时报、德国明镜周刊、法国电视二台等国内外媒体,以及绿色和平国际组织、乌有之乡网、大学网、互动百科网、搜狐网、北京绿牛农庄、绿家园等先后对试验农场做法进行了采访报道。

        By now, some 30 researchers from France, Germany, American, Korea, Japan and China have been conducting their researches here, including scholars and students from the Chinese Academy of Science, Chinese Agriculture Academy of Science, Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, Shandong University, Suzhou University, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Shandong Agriculture University, Hebei Agriculture University, Aashen University (Germany), AgroParisTech (France), Bard College in New York, Korea University, et al. Twenty two scientific papers including 12 SCI indexed papers and 5 IF>4 papers have been published. Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Science and Technology Department of People’s Republic of China and Agriculture Department of Shandong Province and State Counselor have organized a series of on-site exporters’ inspection. A number of medias including People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, France 2, China Youth Daily, Science and Technology Daily, China Science Daily, China Environment News, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, The Guardian, The Times, China Dialogue, Los Angeles Times, Der Spiegel and Green Peace, Utopia Net, College Net, Interactive Encyclopedia Net, Sohu Net and so on, have interviewed or reported the progress of the farm.

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