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2015-07-17 14:24:57  来源: 陈一文博客   作者:陈一文顾问
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  (2015-07-14 09:26:20)育儿 美国环保署 epa 农业部 儿童癌症 

  分类: 批判转基因技术







  Anthony Samsel, Research Scientist / Consultant confirmed to advisor Chen I-wan on July 11, 2015: 

  Anthony Samsel,研究科学家、顾问,2015年7月11日向陈一文顾问确认:


  Recently, at the joint meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group, it was determined that Glyphosate be classified as a class 2A carcinogen.  This was met with vehement criticism by the Monsanto company.  I have reviewed more than 15,000 pages of Trade Secret animal studies conducted by Monsanto and its contractors which were submitted to the US EPA during the eva1uation of the chemical, I must conclude that Monsanto knew as early as 1981 that glyphosate caused cancer and other manifestations of disease in multiple glands and organs.




  The study documents contain evidence that were sealed from public purview at the request of Monsanto after agency submission and they remain sealed even today.  All negative findings which would have prevented registration of the product were eliminated by comparing incidences of disease found, which included many cancers, to unrelated historical controls from unrelated studies.  This practice should be banned from science as it is dishonest and derides the scientific process.  It is the same as deliberately contaminating an experiments control to obscure or hide the adverse effects by a product to allow its sale for profit.




  In every occasion and depending on incidence of disease, Monsanto or its contractors often used 3, 5, 7 and even as many as 11 of these spurious studies to dismiss inconvenient findings, even when the experiment’s own control showed no incidence of disease even though the result clearly pointed to glyphosate as a causal agent.




  Additionally, if a linear dose response relationship was not seen, they rejected the results and labeled it a mystery and or not compound related.  This practice must be eliminated from the scientific eva1uation process as it is dishonest, especially as glyphosate is non-monotonic with a more inverse or low dose-response as is seen with endocrine disrupting chemicals.




  In all three of the Monsanto long-term, two-year studies in mice and rats, incidence of tumorigenic growth were noted in both male and female animals in the low, mid and high dose groups.  Experimental dosing of glyphosate varied, with the 1981 study using 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg of body weight, to as much as 1,000, 8,000 and 30,000 ppm in the highest dose group of a study from 1983.


  在孟山都在小鼠与大鼠中做的三项长期、两年试验研究中,雄鼠与雌鼠在低剂量、中剂量与高剂量中都记录到肿瘤生长发现率。试验中使用的草甘膦剂量不同,1981年的研究使用了3、10与30 mg/kg体重剂量,而1983年研究中的高剂量组使用了多达1,000、8,000与30,000 ppm剂量。


  In both mice and rats glyphosate affected glands of the endocrine system i.e. pituitary, thymus, adrenals, thyroid mammary and testes as well as major organs including the kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen, heart and even the bone marrow and lymph nodes.  Though many incidences were small, they were still there and in many glands and organs, the control showed 0% incidence of disease.




  In a 26 month study conducted by Biodynamics with Sprague-Dawley rats, incidence of interstitial cell tumors of the testes was found in all three glyphosate treated test groups, but no tumors were found in the control group.  Incidence of tumorigenic growth was 6 %, 2%, and 12% in the low, mid and high dose groups.  Additionally, in another study by Knezevich and Hogan in 1983 using mice, a lower incidence was found in the testes treated with higher doses, demonstrating a non-monotonic relationship by glyphosate as seen with other endocrine disrupting chemicals.




  In that same 1983 study, benign renal tubule adenomas of the kidneys were found as well as Lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma with leukemic manifestations in the heart, spleen, pancreas, lungs, liver, lymph nodes, bone marrow and adrenals of the male mice. Female mice also had incidence of lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma with leukemic manifestations of the liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys, lymph nodes, urinary bladder, uterus and bone marrow.  Ductal Adenocarcinoma was also found in the mammary glands as well as leiomyosarcoma of the uterus.  Other cancers found included:  Bronchiolar-alveolar adenocarcinoma, granulosa cell tumors, leiomyosarcomas, hemangioendotheliomas, granulocytic leukemia and composite lymphosarcomas.




  Most of the cancers were metastatic or malignant and some were benign.




  Source of information: Confirmed and authorized to quote by Anthony Samsel, private communication 2015-07-11


  信息来源: Anthony Samsel确认并授权引用,私人通讯2015-07-11


  附录:孟山都1988年申请农达“农药登记”时对中国政府与中国的第三方面欺骗:故意没向农业部提供暴露草甘膦致癌性的长期、终生与三代生殖毒性动物试验报告。     美国环保部公开档案资料中至少列出以下三项长期研究项目暴露草甘膦有致癌性: 1)  "A Three-Generation Reproduction Study in Rats with Glyphosate (Final Report; Bio/dynamics Project No.77-2063; March 31, 1981)1)“对大鼠喂食草甘膦的三代繁殖研究(最终报告;Bio/dynamics实验室项目第77-2063号;1981年3月31日)。2)  Lankas, G. P. December 23, 1981. A Lifetime Study of     Glyphosate in Rats. Unpublished report No. 77-2062 prepared by       BioDynamics)2)Lankas, G. P. 1981年12月23日。对大鼠的终生研究。未出版报告第77-2062号,研究机构BioDynamics实验室。


  3)  Hogan, G. K. (1983). A chronic feeding study of glyphosate in mice. Unpublished report prepared by Bio/Dynamics Inc., dated July 21, 1983. Report No. 77-2061. EPA Acc. Nos. 251007 - 251009, and 251014.3)Hogan, G. K. (1983)。小鼠中的草甘膦慢性喂食研究。未出版报告,研究机构Bio/Dynamics Inc.实验室。日期1983年7月21日。报告第77-2061。美国环保署EPA档案编号251007 - 251009与251014。




  (1) 1986-03-01“草甘膦登记标准修改”http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/chemicalsearch/chemical/foia/cleared-reviews/reviews/103601/103601-210.pdf;   (2) EPA 1992年7月22日草甘膦除草剂“农药登记”重新审查文件http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/cleared_reviews/csr_PC-103601_22-Jul-92_272.pdf 





  博文:http://t.cn/RL7RuMc; 微博:http://weibo.com/1269923485/Cpi7GvF4b


  网友汇总巨量白血病患儿信息令人深思!2011年报道,我国400万名白血病患者中,50%是儿童,以2—7岁患儿居多。2012年,中国血液病协会委员、济南血液病医院首席专家王佐庭介绍,目前中国约有500万白血病患者,儿童白血病患者约占一半,白血病患者数量的增长速度从过去每年约4万人提高到每年约8万人。也就是说,中国儿童白血病年增2万患儿剧增到年增4万患儿,已成为流行病态势!据济南血液病医院企划部主任周华介绍,目前很多白血病等血液病患者来自农村,经济条件比较困难。“治疗少则几十万、多则上百万元,光做骨髓移植手术就要三四十万元。” 依照儿童白血病患儿平均治疗费用50万元推测,年增4万患儿意味着每年合计增加治疗费用200亿元,还不算对患儿家长造成的其他经济负担。




  博文:http://t.cn/RLA49zf; 微博:http://weibo.com/1269923485/CpPxx2xAp






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