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2023-01-19 15:46:10  来源: 红歌会网   作者:陶勇
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  This report explores scenarios of systemic U.S.-China conflict in a situation in which China has neared global primacy. To help illuminate how a U.S.- China war might unfold in such a circumstance, the authors examine trends in warfare and geopolitics, the behavior of select past great powers, and relevant patterns of interstate conflict. From these data, the authors formulate two scenarios of systemic U.S. China conflict war—one that is low-intensity and another that is high-intensity.


  Background: An Intensifying Great Power Competition


  Following the end of the Cold War, the United States of America enjoyed a position of global supremacy unsurpassedin human history. At the height of its power, the United States accounted for a quarter of global economic activity, deployed the world’s most advanced mil-itary, and experienced unmatched political and cultural influence.1 Currently, however, the nation’s unipolar moment is ending. By virtually every measure of national power, the strate-gic position of the United States has weakened as its economic growth rate has slowed relative to that of many other countries, including China. Whether and how much longer the United States can retain its position of global leadership has proven a topic of intense debate.2 At the very least, experts acknowledge that U.S. primacy can no longer be regarded as uncontested.3 The 2021 Interim National Security Strategy acknowledged that the “distribution of power across the world is changing” and characterized China as the “only competitor” that could “mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system.”

  冷战结束后,美国获得了人类历史上无可比拟的全球霸主地位。在其权力巅峰时期,美国经济分量占据全球四分之一比重,部署了世界上最先进的军事力量,并拥有无与伦比的政治和文化影响力。然而,目前美国的单极荣光时刻正在结束。从衡量国家实力的几乎所有标准来看,美国的战略地位已经减弱,因为相对包括中国在内的许多其他国家,美国经济增长率已经放缓。事实上,美国是否能够继续保持全球领导地位以及还能保持多久,是一个激烈争论的话题。2至少,专家们承认,美国的首要地位已经不是无可争议了。3 《2021年国家安全临时战略》承认,"全球权力分配正在发生变化",并将中国定性成 "唯一的竞争者",可以 "对稳定和开放的国际体系发起持续地挑战"。

  The Return of Great Power War

  Second only to the United States in the size of its economy and with a leadership eager to realize the nation’s revitalization, China stands as the nation’s only credible contender for global leadership. It should be noted that China’s ability to surpass the United States as a global leader is far from clear; there are ample reasons to doubt the prospect. Decades of robust growth obscure a Chinese economy encumbered by severe weaknesses. Moreover, the nation faces a gloomy demographic outlook and restrictive political geography. The apparent strength and resolve of the central political leadership scarcely conceals fragility arising from an overly centralized and repressive authoritarianism.5 China also does not appear to have an ambition to replicate U.S.-style global leadership, which may not be feasible in any case. Yet the possibility that China overcomes many or most of these formidable obstacles and begins to more aggressively contend for global primacy cannot be completely ruled out either. Given the potential implications for U.S. security of such an outcome, an analysis of what conflict under such conditions mean for America’s security seems prudent.

  当前,中国的经济规模仅次于美国,其领导层急于实现民族复兴,是中国在全球领导力竞争中唯一可信的代表。应该指出地是,中国是否有能力超越美国成为全球领导者还不明晰;但却有足够的理由怀疑这一前景。因为,几十年的强劲增长掩盖了中国经济的严重弱点;除此之外,中国还面临着惨淡的人口前景和限制性的政治地理环境。中央政治领导层表面上的力量和决心几乎掩盖了过度集中和压制的威权主义所带来的脆弱性。5 中国似乎也没有复制美国式全球领导地位的雄心,这在任何情况下都是不可行的。然而,也不能完全排除中国克服许多或大部分这些巨大的障碍,开始更积极地争夺全球主导权的可能性。鉴于这种结果对美国安全的潜在影响,分析这种条件下的冲突对美国的安全意味着什么似乎不是多余的。

  The intensification of U.S.-China strategic competition introduces political and secu-rity challenges that in key ways exceed what U.S. policymakers faced during the Cold War. Although the U.S.-Soviet zero-sum ideological conflict may be absent, the United States faces a far stronger contender in China than it ever faced in the Soviet Union. Moscow posed a powerful military challenge in Europe and owned a massive nuclear arsenal. It also exercised significant international political influence, especially among decolonizing Third World countries. But outside these areas, Soviet power lagged that of its American competitor by wide margins. Its economy never reached more than a fraction of that of the United States. The Soviet military maintained robust ground forces in Europe, but it suffered an overall technological inferiority and lacked the ability to project power globally.



  By contrast, U.S.-China competition has rapidly expanded beyond the military to techno-logical, ideological, political, and economic domains. The two sides continue to face danger-ous flash points near China and argue over the role of human rights, democracy, and indi-vidual freedoms in international politics. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has grown into a formidable force possessing impressive technological capabilities, even if it continues to lag the U.S. military in key ways.6 Moreover, unlike during the Cold War, which saw the United States enter the contest near the zenith of its economic might, in the current rivalry, the nation is in a period of relative decline. Even as its growth trajectory slows, Chinese national power continues to accrue at a faster rate than that of its American competitor. The size of China’s economy could exceed that of the United States in nominal terms by the 2030s, although experts continue to debate that possibility.7 If current trends continue, a U.S. mili-.tary facing flat budgets could confront an increasingly powerful and modern Chinese mili-tary.8 The same trends raise the risk that Chinese leaders could become emboldened in their approach to long-standingflash points such as the South China Sea or Taiwan and might risk conflict to achieve their goals.9 Nor is there likely to be a quick and easy resolution to this imposing strategic challenge. Owing to deep structural drivers, the U.S.-China competition is expected to last many years, if not decades.




  Defining a Leading Great Power


  Should China successfully realize its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a Chinese-led effort todevelop a massive trade and infrastructure network spanning much of Africa and Eurasia, the United States could one day find itself confronting a peer rival for global leadership possessing immense national power. Theorists of international relations have long concluded that the struggle for international primacy among rival great powers tends to be prone to systemic conflict. It is this moment of near global primacy—that is, a moment at which China as a peer power begins to more aggressively contend for the mantle of global leadership—that we focus on in this report. But before we can proceed with analyzing such a situation, we will clarify what we mean byglobal primacyand why this could drive systemic conflict.

  如果中国成功实现其雄心勃勃的一个由中国主导的、横跨非洲和欧亚大陆的大规模贸易和基础设施网络之 "一带一路 "目标(BRI),美国就会发现自己面对的是一个国力强盛的全球领导地位的同级竞争对手。国际关系理论家早就得出结论,竞争大国之间争夺国际首要地位的拼斗往往容易发生系统性冲突。我们在本报告中关注的正是这种接近全球主导地位的时刻——即中国作为一个匹敌大国开始更积极地争夺全球领导地位的时刻。但在我们着手分析这种情况之前,我们将澄清我们所说的全球首要地位是什么意思,以及为什么这可能造成系统性冲突。

  In every age, one country or set of countries tends to stand out as the most powerful. Yet how to define and measure the strength of these high performers remains much disputed. Scholars have employed a variety of terms to communicate different aspects of national strength, such asgreat powers,world powers, orfirst-rate powers. Typically, scholars use the termgreat powerto refer to a class of powerful countries with the ability to profoundly shape international politics. Paul Kennedy has highlighted the importance of economic and military power as essential to this class of nations.11 Realist theorist Kenneth Waltz, by contrast, proposes five criteria for defining a great power: population and territory; resource endowment; economic capability; political stability and competence; and military strength.12 William Wohlforth and Steven Brooks argue against the concept of “polarity” in favor of a method that measures national power in terms of military, economic, and techni-cal capacity.

  在各个时代,一个国家或“一群”国家往往会作为最强大的国家脱颖而出。然而,如何定义和衡量这些崛起国家的实力,仍然存在很大争议。学者们采用了各种术语、从不同角度表述国家实力,如大国、世界大国或一流大国。通常情况下,学者们用大国这个词来指代一类有能力深刻影响国际政治的强大国家。保罗——肯尼迪强调了经济和军事力量对于这类国家的重要性。11 而现实主义理论家肯尼思——华尔兹则提出了定义大国的五个标准:人口和领土;资源禀赋;经济能力;政治稳定和能力;以及军事力量。12 威廉-沃尔福斯和史蒂芬-布鲁克斯反对 "极性 "的概念,赞成用军事、经济和技术能力来衡量国家实力的方法。

  The Return of Great Power War

  Among the great powers, different configurations with different risks of conflict are possible. Some theorists have argued that a diffusion of power among states, such as in “multipolar” situations, may offer the best prospects for international stability.14 Other the-orists have focused on the dynamism of situations featuring a high degree of concentrated power. Specialists in power transition scenarios in particular have claimed that great power wars fundamentally aim to decide the issue of hegemony and leadership in a system or subsystem.15 For these scholars, the termspreeminenceorprimacydescribe a country that enjoys the first rank, or highest-level status, among other countries. Such countries have an unusually high concentration of national power, as measured by a greater share of eco-nomic, military, and political power than any other country. Such powerful states also are typically understood to have greater international influence than others.

  在大国之间,有可能出现具有不同冲突风险的不同配置。一些理论家认为,国家间的权力分散,如在"多极 "情况下,可能为国际稳定提供最佳前景。其他理论家则关注以高度集中的权力为特征的情况动态。特别是研究权力过渡情况的专家声称,大国战争的根本目的是决定一个系统或子系统中的霸权和领导权问题。15 对这些学者来说,"优势"或"首要地位 "这些术语描述了一个国家在其他国家中享有第一等级,或最高级别的地位。这类国家的政府权力异常集中、以比其他国家更多的生态、军事和政治权力份额来衡量,这种强国通常也被理解为比其他国家具有更大的国际影响力。

  For such states, scholars have highlighted qualities such as the possibilities of domination and control. The termhegemon, often associated with a variant of realist international relations theory that emphasizes the role of a single, dominant hegemonic power, refers to the idea that one coun-try exercises political, economic, or military predominance or control over other states. Robert Gilpin, a foremost theorist of the role of hegemons, has argued that the international order is most stable when there is one hegemon and that, as the power of the incumbent hegemon wanes, dissatisfied rising hegemons will contend for a position of primacy. The clash between the incumbent and rising hegemons will, according to this theory of “hege-monic stability,” result in war.16 A. F. K. Organski, in particular, has developed the theory of “power transition warfare,” in which the status quo and rising hegemons fight to decide the issue of international primacy. 17 The theory of power transition warfare between rising and declining great powers has found some empirical support.18 However, the theories have been criticized as well. One criticism of the termhegemonis that it implies that a country can exercise a level of oppressive domination and control that most countries might find intolerable and that few countries can exercise in practice. Chinese official documents rou-tinely hurl the accusation of hegemonic behavior against the United States with this argu-ment in mind.

  对于这样的国家,学者们强调了诸如支配和控制的可能性等品质。霸权一词,通常与现实主义国际关系理论的一个变种相关,强调单一的、占主导地位的霸权国家的作用,指某个国家利用政治、经济或军事上的优势对其他国家实施掌控的企图。最重要的霸权作用理论家罗伯特-吉尔平认为,当只有一个霸权时,国际秩序是最稳定的,但随着唯一霸权国家的衰落,挑战现实的后起霸权将争夺首要霸权地位。根据这一 "霸权稳定 "理论,现任霸权和崛起霸权之间的冲突将导致战争。特别是奥根斯基提出了 "权力过渡战争 "的理论,在这个理论中,现任霸权和崛起霸权将为争夺国际首要地位而战。大国崛起与衰落之间的权力过渡战争理论已经找到了一些经验上的支持。然而,这些理论也受到了批评。对 "霸权 "一词的批评是,它意味着一个国家可以行使一定程度的压迫性统治和控制,而大多数国家可能认为这是不可容忍的,在实践中,很少有国家能够行使这种权利。中国的官方文件经常对美国的霸权主义行为提出指责,并以此为论据。


  Another criticism of realist theory is its lack of attention to the structureand dynamics of the world economy.20 Critics Richard Lebow and Benjamin Valentino have also questioned the theory, arguing that power transitions have been “remarkably rare” and “tended to happen peacefully.”21Politicals cientists have offered alternative terms to describe a supremely powerful nation, such as that of aleading powerorsystem leader. Associated with the theories of world systems or long cycle theory, such terms emphasize the role played by an exceptionally capable nation in organizing and leading the global economy. These experts tend to emphasize the way eco-nomic power underpins global military and political power. Immanuel Wallerstein’s “world systems” theory describes a group of core leading economies that dominated the global econ-omy.22 Long cycle theorists George Modelski and William Thompson have defined global system leaders as specialists in “long-distance commerce and advanced industrial produc-tion,” which also provide “political and military leadership at the global (intercontinental) level.” 23 The systems approach has drawn attention to the critical role that powerful nations play in leading and organizing global economic activity.

  对现实主义理论的另一个批评是它缺乏对世界经济结构动态的关注。20 批评家理查德莱博和本杰明瓦伦提诺也对这一理论提出质疑,认为权力过渡 "非常罕见","往往是和平发生的 "21。政治学家们提供了另一种术语来描述极其强大的国家(超级大国——译者注)——如领导国或系统领导者。与世界体系或长周期理论相关,这些术语强调了特别有能力的国家在组织和领导全球经济方面的作用。这些专家特别强调国家经济实力是支撑军事和政治力量的后盾。伊曼纽尔-沃勒斯坦的 "世界体系"理论描述了一批主导全球经济的核心经济体。22 长周期理论家乔治-莫德斯基和威廉-汤普森将全球体系的领导者定义为 "远程商业和先进工业生产 "的专家,他们还提供 "全球(洲际)层面的政治和军事领导力。"23 体系方法使人们注意到强国在领导和组织全球经济活动中的关键作用。它们还为经济优势、地缘政治优势和权力过渡战争之间的联系提供了有趣的解释。然而,基于系统的方法经受了一些批评,因为它过分关注技术和经济能力,而对政治和军事力量的重要性强调不足。

  They also offer an intriguing expla-nation for the connection between economic predominance, geopolitical primacy, and wars of power transition. The systems-based approach has enduredsome criticism, however, for focusing excessively on technological and economic capabilities and underemphasizing the importance of political and military power.

  Both schools of thought have their advantages and disadvantages. The hegemonic stability/ realist approach notes the importance of preponderance in economic, political, and mili-tary power among top-tier powers. It also emphasizes the importance of international influ-ence as an aspect of strength. The system leader school complements these insights with its valuable insight into the way internationally preeminent nations organize and shape the structure of the global economy. We wish to capture these insights in our understanding of global primacy. Accordingly, we use the termleading great powerto mean a country that has achieved a level of global preeminence—first rank—in terms of concentrated economic, political, and military power. Such a nation exerts a preponderant international influence and is also dominant in organizing and leading the global economic system.Global primacyis used interchangeably as the condition that characterizes the situation of the leading great power.


  The Return of Great Power War

  Defining Systemic Conflict Among Rival Leading Powers


  Although both the hegemonic stability/realist and system leader schools of thought disagree on definitions and key points of emphasis, they agree that the global leading power tends to exert a stabilizing influence when at the height of its power, but that its ascent or descent is likely to coincide with considerable instability and/or conflict. The period of instability accompanying the rise or decline of great powers is, per Organski, often referred to as one of “power transition.”25 Since we are interested in analyzing potential scenarios of U.S.-China conflict, we focus on such a hypothetical period of Chinese ascent and U.S. relative decline. In our hypothetical scenarios, China may not have decisively achieved a position of global primacy yet, but it is poised to do so. Its situation may be described as one of nearing global primacy, but still in the processing of contending with the United States for that position. By many, but perhaps not all, measures of national power, China would have roughly equaled, slightly surpassed, or fallen just shy of those of the United States. China may be nearing or have gained a modest edge over the United States as a leading organizer of the global economy as well. In such a situation, Beijing’s claims to have secured global primacy would strike many people as plausible, though the claims could be debated given the intensity of U.S. efforts to fend off China’s challenge. It is important to emphasize how this hypothetical situation dif-fers from today. In 2022 China may be regarded as a serious competitor to the United States, but few would regard as credible any claim that it has neared the point of displacingUnited States to become the leading global power.

  尽管霸权主义稳定/现实主义学派和体系领袖学派在定义和强调的关键点上都有分歧,但他们都认为,全球领先大国在其力量最强大的时候往往会发挥稳定的作用,但其上升或下降很可能与相当的不稳定/或冲突同时出现。按照奥根斯基的说法,伴随着大国崛起或衰落的不稳定时期通常被称为"权力过渡"。25 因为我们对分析潜在的美中冲突情形感兴趣,我们将重点放在中国崛起和美国相对衰落的这种假设时期。在我们的假设情景中,中国可能还没有决定性地取得全球首要地位,但它已准备好这样做。中国当前的状态可以被描述为接近全球首要地位,但却在与美国争夺这一地位的过程中。根据许多但也许不是所有的国力衡量标准,中国将大致等同于、略微超过或略微落后于美国。作为全球经济的主要组织者,中国也可能接近或获得对美国的适度优势。在这种情况下,北京声称已经获得了全球首要地位,这让很多人觉得颇有道理——尽管考虑到美国为抵御中国的挑战所做的努力,这种说法可能会引起争论。重要的是要强调这种假设的情况与今天有什么不同。2022年,中国可能被视为美国的强力竞争对手,但很少有人会认为任何关于中国已接近取代美国成为全球领先大国的说法是可信的。

  We focus on this hypothetical moment of aggressive Chinese efforts to contend for global primacy because it carries the highest risks of major war according to the established find-ings of international relations theory.26 How the two countries manage that moment could carry immense implications for both countries and for the world. Although the possibility of a peaceful power transition exists, in this report we focus on the possibilities of systemic conflict. A key assumption of the report is that the United States has both the capability and the determination to resist its supersession and that both sides thus face compelling incen-tives to resort to force to assert or defend global primacy. Because this type of conflict is intricately related to the question of international leadership, it would not likely be resolved by a single battle. Rather, the conflict would assume a chronic, systemic form. As in past examples of power transition warfare, the two countries could fight in multiple engagements over a relatively long span of time, perhaps lasting for many years, and in a geographically unconstrained manner. Extensive conflict could involve many partner nations and manifest in various forms of interstate and intrastate conflict with varying levels of involvement by the two rivals as well. The escalation risks would remain high due to the underlying drive for supremacy. Conflict would thus assume a serial, persistent condition that could endure for years and that would end only when one side exhausted its ability to keep fighting and accordingly acknowledged its subordination to the other.



  An adversarial China that had neared a position of global primacy could pose an excep-tionally formidable challenge to the United States, which has not fought a great power from a position of parity or inferiority since the War of 1812. By the mid-1800s, the U.S. economy had already surpassed in size and wealth that of the United Kingdom—the leading great power of its day. By any economic measure, the United States became the world’s most powerful­ nation by 1916, although Washington resisted assuming global responsibilities commensu-rate with its strength until after World War II.27 The United States fought formidableCen-tral and Axis power adversariesin the two World Wars, but its industrial might gave it aninsuperable advantage. Even against the Soviet Union, the United States competed from a position of strength, with an economy many times more productive and richer than that of its communist rival. Lessons from past wars are also constrained by the fact that those wars happened in the past. Distinctive features of geopolitical arrangements, the state of military technology, and the nature of war all shaped past rivalries and conflicts in ways that may not be relevant today.


  Under conditions of a China nearing global primacy, the onset of U.S.-China hostilities could raise the risks of militarized crises and military clashes across many parts of the world. The risks of a global confrontation could be amplified by the advent of new, poorly under-stood civilian and military technologies and unprecedented historical developments. As one example, the ability of cybertechnologies to inflict massive damage and dislocation raises problematic new escalation risks. Chinese success in expanding a network of client states could also result in confrontations and crisis situations that appear implausible today.


  Systemic U.S.- China conflict would clearly carry significant implications for the security of the United States, yet to date there has been little serious effort to analyze them. Key questions include: How might China’s national and security goals change in a systemic conflict with the United States? How might the PLA operate and modernize its forces in such a situation? Where might conflict involving Chinese and U.S. forces unfold? How might the two militaries fight each other? What distinctive features of the Chinese military might enable or impede their combat operations against U.S. forces? While the answers to these questions remain ultimately unknowable, this report aims to encourage a preliminary consideration of them.


  Sources and Methodology


  The exploration of hypothetical conflict situations that do not exist today and may never happenposes important methodological challenges for research. What data can we draw on for such hypothetical reasoning? On what basis can we make our judgments? We acknowledge up front that such research unavoidably involves considerable conjecture, and we qualify our findings accordingly. This report aims to provide a form of informed speculation; it is not a prediction. It is designed to provoke thought and consideration of potential futures beyond the most immediate and obvious trends. Yet, to be valuable, such analysis should be as rigor-ous and data-informedas possible. We carried out our analysis through a methodology that synthesized current and historical data on relevant factors with research-grounded specula-tion. For this project, we considered academic findings regarding China’s approach to future warfare, key trends in international politics and warfare that will likely persist through the next few decades, and relevant experiences from previous great powers. Drawing from these findings, we then hypothesized how the Chinese military could fight in low and high inten-sity systemic conflicts.


  We sought in particular to understand and represent Chinese perspectives as much as possible. However, the limitations of publicly available Chinese-language sources on these topics should be noted up front. Political sensitivities discourage Chinese scholars and experts from exploring in detail the possibilities of a broader, global U.S.-China war. To be sure, PLA scholars have discussed the operational challenges of fighting a “strong enemy,” which is usually a thinly veiled reference to the United States. However, such sourcestend to discuss more general imperatives for military readiness or to consider potential contin-gencies within the context of existing flash points such as Taiwan.28 To date we have found virtually no credible publicly available sources that examine more speculative scenarios of U.S.-China conflict, such as chronic, long-term war, wars of power transition, or U.S.-China conflict scenarios outside the first island chain. Some PLA scholars do acknowledge the pos-sibility of major war with the United States, but they do not examine the possibility in depth, perhaps owing to their judgment that such conflict is improbable or perhaps due to political constraints. In light of such limited sources, we have extrapolatedpossible Chinese political and military strategy precepts and directives to inform our analysis, but we acknowledge that such an approach must be treated as speculation, not fact.

  我们力求做到尽可能地了解和呈现中国的观点。然而,我们必须首先指出,有关这些研究课题之公开中文资料信息的局限性。政治敏感性使中国学者和专家忌讳从细节上探讨广泛的、全球性的美中军事冲突的可能性。可以肯定的是,解放军学者已经讨论过与 “强敌 ”爆发冲突的挑战,“强敌”通常是对美国的含蓄指称。然而,这些资料倾向于讨论更普遍的军事准备的必要性,或在现有的热点如台湾的背景下考虑潜在的连续性。28 迄今为止,我们几乎没有发现任何可信的公开资料来研究美中冲突的更多猜测性情景,如长期的战争,权力过渡的战争,或第一岛链之外的美中冲突事件。一些解放军学者确实承认美中发生重大战争的可能性,但他们没有深入研究这种可能性,也许是由于他们判断这种冲突是不可能的,也许是由于政治限制。鉴于这些有限的信息来源,我们根据推断中国可能的政治和军事战略戒律和指令来为我们的分析提供信息,但我们承认,这种方法必须被视为猜测,而不是事实。

  The first part of this report outlines a series of research findings regarding broad trends related to international politics and war, patterns of interstate conflict among rising great powers, and findings regarding the drivers of great power war. Chapter Two sets the context by outlining key geopolitical and military trends that experts have regarded as likely to per-sist for several decades. It explores how these trends could affect the prospect for U.S. China conflict under conditions in which China nears global primacy. In Chapter Three we exam-ine patterns in the conflict behavior of leading great powers for insight intothe potential forms that systemic U.S.-China conflict might take. We analyze in particular the experiences of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States as global powers. Although the Soviet Union never exercised hegemony on the scale of the United Kingdom or the United States, it did exert considerable influence over large swaths of Eurasia, and its role as the most



  successful communist state offers potential insight into how China’s military might behave in a moment of near global primacy as well. To more clearly illuminate the potential pathway to U.S.-China conflict and the characteristics it might manifest, we also consider the experience of past great power rivalries in Chapter Four. We highlight in particular key patterns that have recurred in similar situations of power transition, such as the tendency toward height-ened threat perceptions, issue spiral, arms races, alliance-building activity, and the multilat-eralization of conflict. We contend that similar developments would likely accompany the onset of U.S.-China hostilities.


  The second part of the report builds on this literature review to explore scenarios of hypo-thetical U.S.-China conflict under conditions of Chinese near primacy. In Chapter Five we explore how China’s military might position itself to fight a systemic war with the United States. Since the PLA would have to fight with the military it has built, we briefly review key features of the military’s mission, global footprint, and mode of operation before considering how these might affect the PLA’s ability to wage systemic war. Chapter Six focuses on a sce-nario characterized by low-intensity systemic conflict. Ranging from persistent cyberconflict and economic conflict to proxy conventional wars along the proposed routes of the BRI, it paints a picture of a conflict-plagued, yet paradoxically stable, U.S.-China relationship. In this relationship, some level of trade and cooperation could persist amid largely indirect war.


  Chapter Seven analyzes a more escalatory possibility featuring conventional U.S.-China high-intensity war under conditions of Chinese near primacy. In this scenario, efforts to con-trol escalation below the threshold of conventional war have failed. To analyze this possibil-ity, we briefly consider how Chinese wars to gain territory, such as Taiwan, could rapidly expand into a larger-scale war of decision. We also consider more limited hypothetical con-flicts in other locations along China’s periphery and beyond the first island chain. As formu-lated by our analysis, these conflicts could take place along the Indian Ocean, in the Middle East, and in Southeast Asia. A major driver could be China’s desire to establish its credibility as a military power and as a security guarantor for clients. Its motives could overlap, perhaps, with resource concerns. Alternatively, China could seek to dominate rival Asian powers and decisively demonstrate China’s military superiority over the United States as part of its bid for leadership. In most conceivable scenarios, these wars would involve clashing coalitions. Any war involving the militaries of both China and the United States would carry a high risk of escalation extending to the nuclear, outer space, and cyberspace domains. A conven-tional high-intensity war could also occur alongside the continuation or aggravation of low-intensity conflicts around the world.


  The report concludes with some observations and implications in Chapter Eight. We also offer some recommendations based on our findings. The prospects for China gaining pri-macy in the Asia-Pacific region and as a global leader merit all the debate and analysis that they have garnered, and the fact that the possibility of such an outcome cannot be fully dis-counted underscores the importance of thinking through what such a future might mean for U.S. security. It is our hope that this report contributes to the stimulating of a deeper consid-eration of this important topic.


     【文/陶勇 翻译,本文为作者向红歌会网投稿】

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